Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My five lines

I realized that i never posted my five lines that I picked from Ovid's Metamorphoses, better late than never

"Now, when it wills, the fatal day (which has
only the body in its grasp) can end
my years, however long or short their span.
But, with the better part of me, I'll gain
a place that's higher than the stars: my name,
indelible, eternal, will remain." (pg. 549)

There were so many lines in this book that i was thinking about for my particular five lines but my mind kept getting captured by these lines. I think they are so inspirational. These lines speak to me in a way that they wouldn't of last year and probably won't next year but at this point in my life and everything that is surrounding me, these lines are inspirational and comforting. I guess they just remind me that things don't die, they change...Ovid is proof of this, he is not dead...yet he lives each time I open his book and absorb his words.

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