"But - and here you must excuse a horrible idea which i hope nobody will ever put into practice - if you shaved the head of even the most beautiful woman alive and so deprived her face of its natural setting, then i don't care whether she originally floated down from Heaven, and was reborn from sea-foam like the Goddess Venus - i don't even care whether she were Venus herself, with everyone of the Graces and Cupids in attendance, Venus dripping with precious balsam and fragrant as Cinnamon, and with a famous girdle of love clasped around her waist- the fact is, that her baldness would leave her completely without attraction even for so devoted a husband as the God Vulcan" (pg 31 from the Golden Ass)
.I couldn't help but think of Britney Spear during this passage. I guess she didn't read the Golden Ass before taking the razor to her head.
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