When Dr. Sexson read about his experience with reading the Bozeman Daily Chronicle I was impressed. I was also very eager to try to find my own interpretations. I'm sad to say that I have not had a moment yet where I found the old story out of the new. I have been looking over the same paper for a couple of days and I can't seem to dig as deep as Dr. Sexson so easily showed us he could do. I read the obituaries and I think about the people that have passed and the kind of lives that they lead and the people that they left behind, but nothing extraordinary or extremely thought provoking comes out of my little daydreams. I look at the police reports and can see nothing beyond what they surface says. I read the headlines and the sports and the weather reports and all I can interpret are the words on the page. How does Dr. Sexson look beyond the surface to find what he knows is there. I have come to the conclusion that it is knowledge and patience. I am looking so hard for something that i am in turn actually just blinding myself. I have decided that i just need to stop looking for something that I am not ready to find. Every time i pick up a newspaper now i will look for something but i won't force myself to find something. My hopes are that by the end of the semester, after i have learned a lot more about the old, that i will then be able to sit down with the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and find the old stories that are hiding just below the surface.